Allen CFO Services

"Your Strategic Financial Partner"

-Suzanne Allen-

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Experienced Fractional Chief Financial Officer providing high skill assistance in financial matters and strategy without the expense of a full time employee.

Using proven financial tools, we will build and maintain a twelve month rolling forecast which will enable nimble fact based decision making.

Cash is King. The purpose of cash flow forecasting is to estimate the future movement of cash in and out of a business. This information is important for making sound financial decisions, such as whether or not to invest in new equipment or hire more employees.

One benefit of cash flow forecasting is that it can help businesses better manage their finances. By projecting future cash flows, businesses can identify when they will have excess cash and when they will need to borrow money or seek additional investment. This information can help businesses make informed decisions about their finances and avoid potential financial problems.

Allen CFO Services can help you understand where your business is currently and project how it will grow in the future, so that you can make informed decisions about how to allocate your resources and operate successfully.

Allen CFO Services Suzanne Allen

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