Mental Alchemy Brands offers online educational training & business support services via contract to current and future business owners. We specialize in helping our clients become economically organized, while they manage and optimize their capital through our proprietary cash flow management S.Y.S.T.E.M. ; The Money Matrix Blueprint ™ Do you know what it feels like to have mastered clarity, confidence, and cash flow in your personal or business economy? We help our clients develop new skills, patterns of thinking, and successful strategies that serve our clients for their current and future endeavors.
Assist the client to become economically organized and properly structured for business through actionable education that helps the client create, develop, and manage their blueprint for their project that they can feel proud of with the least amount of resistance.
Assist the client with acceleration of amortized debt products through debt weapon tools, and a proper knowledge base of the client’s personal cash flow algorithm.
Assist the client with corporate filing services in all 50 states for new start-ups. Offering on-going corporate compliance management and registered agents for both new and current small business owners.
Assist the client with better comprehension of the power of forming and managing an equity portfolio that is specifically designed to Retire Your Expenses™, through a progressive development process.