H4H began Sept 4th of 2012 shortly after John’s career as a firefighter & his return home from Iraq as a Dept of Defense Firefighter from 2009-2011. As an overcomer of terrible child abuse, bullying, and self destructive choices, John (Batman) brings a message of HOPE & empowerment which is fine tuned for all ages. Youth, young adults and families in thousands of community events & schools have been impacted by WV Batman’s 4 Steps To Greatness & Overcoming message. In schools, each grade level receives an age appropriate message to impact them as they grow up. Middle & High School students receive a “mask off” full reveal assembly from John Buckland which covers his experiences with the troubles in his life and what he had to do to overcome them. WV Batman’s mission is now international with a recent trips in 2022 & 2023 to Poland & into Ukraine for the Ukranian youth impacted by the Russian invasion. The H4H mission has been covered by The Today Show, NBC Nightly News, Good Morning America and countless other media outlets worldwide. Please take time to watch the video links at the buttons on the top of this page & read the feedback, to get a full understanding of the impact you can expect at your school or event.